HR TRENDSEnglish Francais Belgisch

HR Trends 2023-2024

Mid 2023, the HR Trend Survey was conducted among HR professionals operating in Belgium. As every year, one of the main research questions is; what are the dominant HR themes - which themes are important for the HR professional to keep in touch with both the internal developments, resulting from the company strategy, and the current external developments such as the continuing tension on the labor market, the further advancing digitalization & robotization and the race between wage development and inflation.

Through a dashboard, you can gain insights into a number of high-profile outcomes, not only at the total level, but also broken down by five clusters of sectors of industry. In addition, the cluster in which your own organization belongs is broken down by sector of industry.


Click the button below to navigate to the dashboard. If you do not already have an account, please register first via the registration page.